Monday, April 26, 2010

Week in Review: April 19-25

I had a great time with my parents & grandmother while they were here earlier last week. And it was oh-so hard to say goodbye. I didn't think I'd get so emotional. But the pending lump in my throat the morning they left was proof that there would soon be waterworks. And there were.
I got to show them the small town life I've been living. And I even got to discover some new things: Scottsbluff National Monument, Carhenge, & one special highlight-- a visit to a farm! We laughed, played cards, I learned a new game (Farkel), we sipped coffee & teas every morning while visiting on the couch, listened to thunder & watched the lightning, relaxed on the porch in the warm sunshine, cooked together, bbq'd, & just had the most lovely time. They even got to experience my crazy process of writing & putting together my column for the newspaper & then see it in its printed format in the newspaper a couple days later. My dad (he's so cute) even bought 3 newspapers so he, my mom & grandmother could sit & read it at the same time. ((haha!))
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This was one of those weeks full of good times aplenty. I had so much fun that it was super difficult picking just 13 pictures for my 'week in review' mosaic. (I love when that happens.)
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 I got to go to prom! Only to people-watch & practice taking photos with my new camera. But it was fun. And interesting. I've never been to a prom before. Next time I hope to go with my hubby as a prom date & do it up proper.
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Last week I was also officially introduced to geocaching! I am so excited--I can't wait to go again! Though it was super windy & cold, my 2 girlfriends & I managed to find 4 of the 5 cache's we hunted for.
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I've got a busy day ahead of :

  • finishing my newspaper column for this week

  • laundry

  • packaging orders to ship today

  • doctoring my wee one with pink eye. (Bridgeport has GOT to be the pink-eye capital of the world. My girls have gotten this infection so many times since we've moved here.)
Happy Monday!
For a photo play-by-play, click HERE.

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