Thursday, April 22, 2010

'Oscar the Cat', a conjoined adventure by O.B. De Alessi & Nick Brook


O.B. De Alessi / Oscar B
Nick Brook / Put The Lotion In The Basket


p.s. Hey. I'm totally stoked to have the opportunity to host this amazing collaborative comic by the top notch artist/ writer/ d.l. duo of Oscar B and Put The Lotion In The Basket. I'm sure it won't take you long at all to see why I'm so proud. My huge thanks to OB and PTLITB for allowing the blog be their frame, and, yeah, thanks to everyone else out there who goes on the adventure and shares their thoughts and feedback in the designated spot. All is fine-ish here, I guess. I could have used one more hour of sleep last night, but shit happens. Oh, this is pretty preemptive, but my blog is turning five years old on May 15, and I've decided to mark the occasion with a birthday party kind of thing that will request your participation sort of a la the SPD posts, and I'll make the specific announcement/ request late next week. I think that's all for now. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hey. I hope the painkillers and indoorsiness prove decent compensation. Make stuff if you can. Wow, your brother is all muscled up and solid as a rock-like. Do you guys get on well? ** David Ehrenstein, RIP: Werner Schroeter indeed. I hadn't heard that until I just saw your comment. That's very sad, bad news. ** Bill, Yeah, pretty unlikely that our timing will be right vis a vis Paris, but I'm not totally certain about those dates yet, and Gisele will tell tomorrow or Saturday at the latest. Weird about the nasty weather in Berlin. We're under dreamy skies here, but I guess Berlin isn't exactly next door except in my mind. Nice page about your gig with your name in red bigness. I should ... Everyone, or, rather, everyone who's in or near Berlin, the magnificent musical and visual artist/d.l. Bill Hsu is doing an 'audiovisual live performance and lecture' in the company of 'two wonderful improvisers, Ofer Bymel (percussion, from Haifa) and Lothar Ohlmeier (bass clarinet and sax, Berlin)'. It's on this coming Saturday night, 8 pm (doors open), at Staalplaat, Flughafenstr. 38. There's some info here, and there's more info here. I recommend being there incredibly. ** Misanthrope, That 'D' thing was a good one. The theater piece is kind of like putting together a novel, but by committee, and, in this case, it's Gisele's ass that's on the line, not mine, and that makes it feel very different. If the piece flops, Stephen and Peter and the rest of us will go on with our work, but every piece is a possible make or break for Gisele. So it's interesting because the piece belongs to all of us while we're making it, but, once it premieres, it's Gisele who'll get credited with the success or slammed by a bad response, which is exactly as it should be, and is a thing about our work that I find fascinating and that I like a lot. I guess I'm just saying that's one way it's different than a novel. ** Joseph, We were talking about We Are Champion yesterday, and just this morning I caught up with that long, contentious comments thread moslyt about that very issue over a HTMLG. Did you see that? Maybe you can have a poll thing on your site to find out which writers people most want to see naked? I'd be interested to read those results. No writer immediately pops into my head as the most desireably naked, but I'm sure I could come up with some. Good Thursday to you, man. ** Put The Lotion In The Basket, Hey, man, that's you up there making magic! A couple of owl hoots and a few whoots! Oh, err, right, about Portugal. Well, mm, you see, I was kind of thinking Australia's such a big, bad motherfucker of a continent that when it docked, skinny little Portugal would get, you know, smashed, kaput in the process, and so, you see, that's what I meant about Spain's West Coast, uh, hm, you know? Phew! Quick thinking, Dennis. I wonder if he bought it. Oh, shit, I'm typing while I'm thinking! ** Bernard Welt, Darn, I was hoping you'd applied to the Recollets and already been accepted, and you were going to surprise me. Money sucks. I'm sure you agree. Nice soup. Too bad cooked carrots are right up there with beets and asparagus in my no eat zone. Still, I think soup would be okay. I mean, I like a good carrot cake. ** David, I think the Germs movie lasted about a week in theaters. I heard nothing good about it. The Erik Satie of vegetables? More like Jean Michel Jarre. Oh, the short fiction has arrived! I'll read it a bit later. Everyone, the fine writer and expert and d.l. David has a new and rare short story tantalizingly titled 'The Deadhead' up on his blog. Please join me in close-reading it, will you? It's here. Cool. I'm under the impression that Joni Mitchell absolutely adores having her ass kissed. ** Robert-nyc, Oh, Astoria. That definitely is not the East Village, you're right. I guess I just see you as an cucumber cool East Village kind of guy. Spiritually, you're very EV to me. That's a compliment, of course. My image of the EV is permanently stuck in the mid-80s. You take it easy too, pal. ** Alan, Ha ha, hm. I like more vegetables than I don't, I think. Wait, yeah, I think that's right. I even love Brussel sprouts. I just see vegetables as a kind of rare delicacy to be eaten on special occasions like creme brulee. ** Bollo, No, France joined the anti-smoking mania about two years ago. But there's a humanity to their anti-. Like there's a smoking room in the international terminal of Air France. How many countries have those? Speaking of nice Camels that don't exist over here, I'm on my last pack of the Camel Wide Lights I brought back with me from LA. CWL, the cigarette of kings. It's sad. I'm kind of dying or at least jonesing to see that new drawing, man. We've filmed some of the holography stuff, but the footage isn't fantastic, and Gisele would kill me if I posted it. I'll try to butter her up. ** Steevee, You mean the Artforum summer website 'issue'? 'Cos, if things work around there like they did when I was writing for them constantly, it's definitely not too early for the summer issue of the magazine. I think they put that baby to bed about two months early. ** Steven Trull, Futon, sleeping bag, or traditional? ** Ken Baumann, Novel, mmm, yum, excellent! ** Pascal, That animal mask/face thing sounds so incredibly familiar. I keep thinking 'Twilight Zone' episode, but I'm not sure. ** Blendin, On your Facebook page? I really need to hang out over on FB more. I tend to flash in and out. Okay, I'll go find out what the fuss in my head about your collages is all about later today then. The original Star is Born, I take it. How many are there? There's that Streisand/ Kristofferson one too, but wasn't there another one too? Whatever ... enjoy! ** Sypha, Well, your unwellness is nothing to shrug off, but the RS thing is heck of a bright side. ** Justin, I think that bird trainer is pretty attached to that owl. But he does have four of them. That owl really is stinky, though, just remember. The Muppets has always seemed smart and clever from afar. They have it here dubbed into French. Maybe I'll try that. ** Inthemostpeculiarway, Jane Lynch ... she's that actress who works with Christopher Guest a lot, no? I think so. I love her in the Christopher Guest movies. She completely rules in 'Best in Show'. My brother can't leave us alone because he's mentally ill. He is. Some horrible combination of OCD, paranoia, extreme control freakdom, and I don't know what else. He needs very heavy therapy and meds, but he would never believe he needs them. For us, it's just about getting rid of every tiny possible issue to do with my mom's estate so we will never have to see or talk to him again. Until, that is, my dad dies and he'll have another chance to go psycho, which is something that's scaring us all, even my poor old dad who's having to spend his time trying to make sure his will has not even the tiniest loophole that my brother can exploit. My notebook and novel don't have any happy things in them either, if that gives any comfort. Okay, yesterday: I'm way behind on my post-making duties re: the blog after all that theater work and traveling and stuff, so I basically spent yesterday trying to fill up the near future with new posts. Today, that will continue, although I have some worldly stuff to do today too. Anyway, there was a bunch of family crap. I wrote a long, infuriated letter to the psycho brother. My other brother sent him a short infuriated letter. I talked with my infuriated sister, and we're all just trying to figure out how to stop him this time if possible. I looked at my novel a little and fiddled with it a little, and I thought it was coming along pretty well. They announced the line-up for this year's Villette Sonique music festival, and I got excited because I'm going, and I'll get to see a whole bunch of bands and people I really want to see like Atlas Sound, Polvo, Johanna Newsome, Owen Pallett, Om, Wolf Eyes, Acid Mother Temple, Young Marble Giants, and more. That was a highlight. I made some meet up plans with friends, ate stuff, showered, smoked, blah blah. That's pretty much the scoop. Is your eye getting normal? What did you do today? ** Slatted Light, Greetings, your Lightness. Federman's really cool, yeah. I think there's definitely a Oulipo connection. I know he read his work at events and did conference stuff related to Oulipo, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't an official guy. I more feel like I should get internet sickness than I actually get it, which I kind of take as a bad sign. Do you mean your HTMLG comments re: the body vs. language post? I just read that thread last night. I thought what you said was great, but it was a weird discussion, I thought. Interesting but kind of centerless or something. Your vile jellies, ha ha, nice. Best of everything to you today, sir. ** Trees, Hey, T-man. One more thank you for yesterday before my thanks become archival. Oh, please do do something like again any old time. I'd be chuffed, grateful, and you name it. I bet it was that spurting blood that put your thesis review over the top, what do you think? Not that you needed the theatrics, I'm sure. Listen, Dodie's no push over, as I'm sure you're well aware, so congrats. I'd love a copy if you don't mind. It might take me a bit to devour it and respond, if that's okay, but, yeah, I'd love to read it! ** Tomas, Hey, Tomas! In fact, I'm due at the POL offices this afternoon to do what you French people call the 'service de presse' re: the new books. If you don't know the term, I have to sign all the copies of the books that go out to reviewers, and I need to write nice messages to any reviewers I know. I guess it's a French tradition. 'Enter the Void' opens in two weeks?! Holy shit! I'm incredibly excited about that! Wow, finally! In June, okay. That's when I'll get to see you next? Great, I look forward to it. It's been far, far too long. ** JW Veldhoen, Dude, you sound good. Nice hearing all the poz coming from you. All my fingers are now crossed to the point of gnarliness for you re: the job interview. Let me know if they worked or not. ** Little foal, Hi, man. I was just about to post, and you snuck in, cool. I think if you can manage the move to England or some other interesting place, you should absolutely do it. I can't underestimate what a huge change and impact that kind of big, drastic move can have. I've made a few drastic moves in my life -- to NYC, to Amsterdam, to Paris -- and they only built, improved, shaped, reshaped me as an artist and person immensely, both the great parts of being in a new place and the parts that weren't so hot too. I think if you can do that, there just isn't a downside apart from the missing people thing. But friends and those close to you never get lost. So, yeah, a thousands thumbs up on that idea. Take care, man, and see you later or tomorrow. ** Thus, I shuffle off this place and reenter the other world as I know it. Please make yourselves happy and enlightened by spending time with the comic by two of our resident geniuses, the big O and the big P(TLITB) between now and tomorrow, okay? Later, bye.

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