Friday, April 23, 2010

painting almost finished

so my painting is almost finished.. I still need to add a pair of scissors in front of her, and add a few other things.sorry for the bad picture quality.
I'm quite excited that Ive worked so quickly on this piece.

the past few days, in the mornings while waiting for my energy and ~calmness kicks in, Ive been doing "research". looking online through art websites, and then through art blogs of great artists. Its all keeping me pretty inspired, and reminding me how important it is for me to work TONS harder so I can achieve what I want soon.

anyway, Ive been kinda really sick recently too. Mostly in the evening towards & during all night, and into the morning. Today I didnt feel OK until 3:30pm or so, I also slept in late too. It feels so uncomfortable. Its just asthma, and since Im currently poor, I dont really have meds for it.

my dad took me to his Chinese Herbalist the other day.. and I brought these herbs home. I'm supposed to drink it at least once every night. It is super really strong. Ive managed to be able to drink it, only thanks to salted lemons. I suck on it before and after a gulp of this stuff! & with my nose pinched.
It seemed to be helping, but i also need to avoid some triggers too..

oh also received this very pretty little thing in the mail last week!
its the invite for Mark Ryden's New Show that opens in New York, i think next week.
I was considering taking myself there! that sure would have been an amazing adventure.
Instead I'll stick to the plan of saving up for months, and then taking a trip or two towards the end of the year! I hope that works out.

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