Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Obama and Hitler

The Townhall meetings across America are not turning out to be as successful as the Democrats had expected. I think Pelosi, Hoyer, Cardin and all of their conniving cohorts had hoped that they could rally the country to support socialize medicine, but instead are running into a thick wall of resistance. Do the people of the American really not want the government dictating their medical treatments? Do Americans think a bloated government bureaucracy will not be able to effectively manage the healthcare system? But the townhall meetings continue.

Splashing itself all across the news today is a story of a shouting match between Barney Fwank, the liberal extremist Democrat from Massachusetts, and a female protester comparing Obama to Hitler. The dialog goes like this:

"Why are you supporting this Nazi policy?"

Frank responds: "On what planet do you spend most of your time?" He then calls her approach "vile, contemptible nonsense." He closes by saying: "Trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table."

And the liberal media has been quick to jump on this story as anecdotal evidence proving the lunacy of the conservatives and their irrational fear of government intervention in the private healthcare industry. These conservatives are so crazy that they are comparing Obama to Hitler.

How can you rationally argue with someone when they are comparing you and your proposal to Hitler? Hmmm….this sounds familiar.

Is it because….the media is a bunch of hypocrites?

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