Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week in Review: April 12-18

I spent last week cleaning, prepping & making a pretty home, shopping for groceries, washing laundry, making beds with fresh sheets, & baking in expectation of soon-arriving visitors. My mom, dad & grandmother arrived Saturday night & I'm consumed with being consomed with them. {Thus, my recent silence on this here blog.}
I don't think my parents have ever visited me before. I've either lived in very close proximity to them, or in the same house. So, it's quite different {in a super duper fun way} to have them as my guests. Their visit will be short & I am sure tears will be seen leaking from my noggin on Thursday morning as they depart.

The other big news last week is that I got my new BIG GIRL camera! I feel like a superstar. This is the first Week in Review featuring some pictures taken with my new toy. And, apparantly, I need to work on the self-portrait. Because, it seems, that holding such a large & heavy camera causes your face to retract into your neck, creating 5 exta chins, making for an un-pretty photo. Ugh. My mom looks lovely though!

*Click HERE to see a photo play-by-play.
Happy Monday!

{The drawing I mentioned that would be held Friday didn't happen. Oops. We'll try again this coming Friday, K?}


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