Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday (61)

The Sorcerer of Sainte Felice by Ann Finnin

I was only an apprentice. I swear it. By all the angels in Heaven.
Fourteen-year-old Michael de Lorraine has been condemned to death by the Holy Office for sorcery. But just as the flames threaten to consume him, Michael is saved by Abbot Francis and granted refuge at the Benedictine monastery of Sainte Felice. Michael learns that this strange and wonderful place, famous for its healing wine, harbors renegade monk-sorcerers, enchanted gargoyles, and a closely guarded secret: Abbot Francis is the great Seratois, exiled Grand Master of the Fratres Illuminati.
As the church intensifies its cruel efforts at justice, Abbot Francis and the brotherhood are in grave danger. Michael will do anything to protect his mentor, but are his powers great enough to save the monastery from the merciless, bloodthirsty Inquisition?
Blending together magic, miracles, and historical details of life in fifteenth-century France, this unique fantasy offers a vibrant portrayal of one boy's journey of faith.

Doing my WoW post this week a few hours early because I am waaaaaaay too tired from schoolwork to write up a more complicated post. But back to the matter at hand. Doesn't Flux always have amazing sounding books? This sounds grand, and like it could be good. This one just sounds so sweeping and grand, an epic in the making. Plus, it's by a debut author. I think I'll buy this when it comes out, and hope it turns out to be as good as it sounds!

The Sorcerer of Sainte Felice will be published in paperback by Flux on June 28, 2010.

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