Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Slideshow: 'This Is How You Will Disappear', rehearsals and technical design session, Le Quartz, Brest (04/12/10 - 04/20/10) *

* More than ever, this slideshow is a pretty poor representation of the work we did in Brest. To show you the fog and holographic effects we were developing and testing accurately would require a far more sophisticated camera than mine. Same goes for the actual rehearsals, which wound up looking too dark and blurry to use in most of the photos I took. So, this scattered, around the edges-style photo scrapbook is the best I could do. Hope there's something here of interest that's telling in some way.

Setting up the stage

Tujiko Noriko, Stephen O'Malley, Peter Rehberg

Margret Gudjonsdottir

Jonathan Schatz & Jonathan Capdevielle

Holography tests

The teenagers

Light & fog tests

The owl

Peter Rehberg, Stephen O'Malley

Gisele, Margret, Jonathan S., Shiro's assistant, Jonathan C.


The free food table

Stage entrance

My office

Behind the set


Techie & Patrick Riou


Margret & Jonathan S.

Shiro Takatani

Fujiko Nakaya, Shiro, Jonathan C., Margret, Gisele, Peter

Fujiko & Shiro


p.s. Hey. One more rushed p.s. this morning before I get on the train back to Paris. Apologies. Back to the usual starting tomorrow. ** Misanthrope, Sad and sadly funny little Little Show pratfall story there, man. Awww. ** Put The Lotion In The Basket, Really interesting talk about Spanish to Tom. Hope you guys don't mind me peeking in. Yeah, that banned album cover thing was re: the last Manic Street Preachers album. The cover in question was the uppermost image in yesterday's show. We had a lot of nice sun here two, breezy and sonic thanks to the sky in Brest belonging to the seagulls. Things are fine. Love, respect, more, signed me. ** Bill, The very beginning of May, I'll be in Paris. The exact day I head to Brest is undecided, but it'll probably be around the 12th to the 14th, I think. I forget: does that work out for your visit, I hope? I'll get clarity on the exact away dates as soon as the boss makes up her mind. Berlin sounds rich at the moment. Real nice. ** David Ehrenstein, No, I did my scene in English. I can barely construct the simplest sentence in French. Luckily, Francois Sagat speaks very good English. I guess there'll be subtitles? ** Empty Frame, I got your email, number, and I sent you mine in return. I think you're probably in Paris or in the tunnel right now. Anyway, see you very soon, I reckon and hope. ** Oscar B, I was beginning to guess you might not have 24/7 internet. Things good? Things great? Oh, shit, I think I forgot to tell you that your and Nick's thing/Day goes up here on Thursday, two days from now. Thanks a zillion again, pal. The film thing was very cool. I sort of described it yesterday in the p.s. somewhere. I can tell you more when you get back if you want. Mmm, 'Dante's Inferno'. Are you bringing the Xboy back this time? Have fun! ** Sypha, Thanks, James. ** Ken Baumann, Hey, Ken! Dude, I came away with even more and lots more respect for you guys for whom acting is an art and serious gig. Acting is trippy stuff. You good? What are you busy with now? Take care, man. ** Math, I think I might catch Crystal Castles in Paris next week. It's them, Caribou, or Silver Mt. Zion. I'll probably only choose one. Tough. I like 'em all. The Honore film is called 'Homme au Bain'. You leave for the West really soon, right? Will we get to visit with you while you're on the road out there, I hope? ** Alan, You understand the way I work eerily, man. Don't tell the others just yet please. ** JW Veldhoen, Man, hugs and some tickles re: your sad weekend. Making the greatness happen in NYC would have killed a lesser man by now. ** Bollo, Some Wolf Eyes should do it. This is pretty old school, but I've found throughout my life that if you want to drive someone in the next room or in your building you're in completely up the wall, 'Trout Mask Replica' at extremely high volume is a guarantee. All these decades later, and it's still just about the ugliest thing a lot of people think they have ever heard. ** Steevee, Hey, man. Yeah, truly re: Paradjanov. Did you read/hear that 'Tree of Life' was screened in Austin for some select people. The word on it is incredibly good. It's not complete yet, hence not making the Cannes deadline. What I read was saying it'll probably debut at Venice. ** Pisycaca, Hey, M. Listen, it's been years since my mom died now, and I still get these moments where I go, 'Oh, shit, I haven't called Mom in a while,' and as I'm telling myself to do so asap, I remember. Very weird. It'll stay weird for a long time, I think. It's just that the day to day haunting will fade away or wind down. And even that fading part is weird. It's all so strange. The theater piece is so giant on the technical level, it's taking a long time just to get that part refined, and it's still not right. But it'll be fine. My novel's going forward, well, gradually. I really look forward to getting back to Paris and concentrating on it for a while. Lots of love to you, my friend. ** Trees, Wow, those were nice, nicely wild days you had there. Yeah, what's that great Young Marble Giants song about living in the straight world .... oh, well. I don't know Bhanu Kapil's stuff unless I'm blanking out. Rodefer, my fellow ex-pat Parisian whom I've never met or seen around anywhere! I'm real glad to hear that the workshopping of your final grad school piece was all wow. Are wow and weird ever entirely separable, hm, I wonder? Twenty miles of bicycling, geez. You must have crazy legs. ** Laurabeth, Well, well, well, it's a rare and special day to see you here! You good? School and love and everything else treating you right? Miss you much, pal. Take care out there. ** _Black_Acrylic, If you ask me, and I guess you did, I say excellent choice on the specs. Not too hide and seek, but just enough. Big in the good way, You've got my vote. ** The Dreadful Flying Glove, Oh, you thank you so much. It was awesome. And I love the Furries, so the takeover was beautiful. And I've been listening mostly to them on my iPhone between rehearsals ever since. How was London? What were you doing there? ** L@rstonovich, Hey, man. Great! Thank you! I saw it sitting there in my box this morning. Once I get squared away in Paris, I'll set it up and send you the good word. ** Jesse Hudson, Thanks for the good(night) words re: the Saville, Hope sleep did its job. Talk to you soon. ** David, Old Almodivar, new Almodovar, it's all good. You should test the recent SW waters sometime. It's gorgeous stuff. ** Morgan, Hey, man! Oh, shit, oh well, about the New School thing. Yeah, I keep reading everywhere that for some reason getting into university is incredibly hard this year. I don't know why. It's the New School's loss entirely, and I have good feelings about the U. of Florida, I guess having a lot to do with the sublime Joy Williams teaching there. Does she still teach there? How incredible if you could take a class with her. And that's ace news about the band. If you record anything we can hear, give a heads up. Is your friend's zine buyable online somehow? I'll go check out your new writings on your blog as soon as I'm past my current sitting on trains all the time phase, meaning after today. Always really great to see you, Morgan. ** Justin, It kind of sucks that I'm just a little too old to have grown up with the Muppets. I honestly don't think I've seen a single full episode of any of the Muppets or spin-off, adjunct Henson shows. Weird. ** Inthemostpeculiarway, Hey. I understand about the complexity of your Friday. I mean, there was niceness there for you too, though, right? Somewhere in there? I'm glad you're going to see the doctor about your eye. You've been mentioning eye issues for a while. I hate going to the doctor more than I hate eating beets, but it's best to get that eye dryish again asap. Let me know what happens with that, yeah? My day, quickly again by default: Uh, I finished that new text for 'TIHYWD'. Then we recorded a demo of me reading it spookily to use in the run-through later. Yesterday was mostly about polishing up things as best we could for the final rehearsal last night before we take our three week break. A lot of this and that. The last run-through was interesting because it was the first time we could see what was working okay and what was really far from finished. I found that clarity kind of great, but Gisele was really down about how many problems we have to solve. She's also very, very tired and burnt out from all the work. My text is a maybe. It tells the story of the piece in a very consolidated, fairytale-meets-ghost story style. It would be in the middle of the piece, explaining in an odd, vague way what has happened and telling the audience what will happen. I think the piece needs that, but Gisele isn't sure. So we'll think about it for a while. There are several other parts that are a mess, but I think they're fairly easy if laborious to fix. The best parts were that the owl finally did exactly what it was supposed to do, and it looked amazing. And this other part where these teenaged boy dolls have a vigil onstage for the dead rock star worked really well even though the dolls aren't finished or costumed properly or arranged correctly yet. After the run-through, there was a big meeting of everyone, and I think Gisele became more positive. We had a last drink/meal at this kind of awful little restaurant/ bar near the theater called Montparnasse where G. and Stephen seem to always want to go for some reason, and then we parted ways. I came back to the hotel and crashed. Peter, Fujiko, Shiro, and his assistant are hoping to get planes back to Austria and/or Japan this morning, and here's hoping the European airspace is reopened in time. So, that was it. Now I'll go have a train-centric day, and I guess I'll tell you the scoop tomorrow. And your Tuesday was ... ? ** Slatted Light, Hey! How great, you're here! You've been missed big time, man. Nice the Saville sat so well with you. Very cool. Yeah, the idea for the scene/talk in the Honore film was mine. He just told me the basic thing -- that I should demand more of Sagat's character for the money than sex, basically -- and that he wanted it to be connected to my work somehow because he wants my being in the film to be a reference to my work in some way, and I thought up that scenario, wrote out a rough monologue, and I just did it. Luckily, CH liked it a lot. I'm in the clearing today. I wish the clearing wasn't full of a 4 1/2 train ride, but I'll take it. How are you doing, man? What's going on with you of late and now? ** Steven Trull, So very, very true. ** Okay, I'd better zip my backpack shut and hit the streets. Up above: the best evidence I could manage to gather of what we've been doing for the last eight days. See you tomorrow from Paris. All the best, etc. until then.

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