Monday, April 19, 2010

Shout Outs and A Look In My Trunk....

So, as you may have noticed I’ve changed my blogging schedule.  I’m now posting in the mornings by around 8 am.  I’m also now posting on a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule.  I thought I might try this for a while and see how it works.  The posting at night was becoming a hassle.  I realize that no matter how you look at, there are the same number of hours in the day.  But, posting in the mornings and commenting some in the morning then more at night seems to work better. I guess I’ll keep this up until it doesn’t work anymore.  Which could be next week or next year. Who knows.

Oh, and don’t be thinking this is going to be a “quality over quantity” type thing either.  The quality of this blog will not improve just because I might only post three times a week.  I just think a M-W-F schedule is better than sometimes posting on Monday and Tuesday and then not again for rest of the week.


Since I still don’t have a blogroll, I thought I would do some shout-outs here today.  I keep thinking about restoring the blog roll, maybe on it’s own page, but have been too busy lazy to actually do it.

Anyway, the first shout-out goes to my awesome new friend “The Ugly Duckling.”  I don’t know the history behind her calling herself that, but she’s totally the opposite of “ugly.”  And, she’s awesome.  So awesome that even her love of “Twighlight” doesn’t diminish her awesomeness.  Aaaaaand, she did a video shout out to me on her page.  Normally I don’t post other people’s videos here on my blog.  But, when it’s an awesome hot chick telling everyone how awesome I am? Oh yeah, I’ll post that baby…

So, now everyone knows that the key to getting your video posted here on my blog, is for your video to be about me.

Here are some other hot babes that I have recently found and I think everyone should be reading on a daily basis:

My good friend Kim from What the Actual Blog?  Kim has had other blogs in the past, but she seems to be settled into this pretty nicely.  And it’s a great blog.  And, you can follow her on Twitter too.  She’s very random and sometimes even a little disturbing on there.  Which is very cool. 

Curvy Jones from the Diary of Curvy Jones.  Curvy is an outstanding writer and has a great sense of humor.  She is ALSO on Twitter and I highly recommend following her there.  I like Curvy so much that I even accepted her statement that there is nothing empowering for women about posing naked without any argument.  Cause I’m pretty sure I would lose just about any argument with her.

Linda from “The Good, the Bad, the Worse.”  Linda pretty much blogs about anything and everything.  She has some great stories from back in the day mixed in with current day activities.  You just never know what you’ll find on her blog everyday.  But, you know it will be great.

Mandy from “Gamecock Mama.”  Mandy is a South Carolina fan, which I tolerate only because she rocks.  She has a mix of fun and very serious and deep topics on her blog.  Mandy is also on Twitter and has been known to join in a Saturday night Twitter parties. 

Of course, most of you have already met Mandy.  You met her back when she gave me a cleavage pic for my birthday. 

Jayne from “In Jayne’s World.” Jayne is a former TV writer who has written several stories that have aired on the Lifetime Network.  Now, normally you would think this would send me screaming in the other direction and cause me to read some good “manly” stuff like Hunter S Thompson to cleanse myself of the “Women’s Victimization Network.”  But, that’s not the case at all.  Jayne is lots of fun and full of opinions and observations that I sometimes agree with and sometimes disagree with, but always respect.  

And finally, some people said last week that they are now interested in what really is my trunk.  Assuming there isn’t a dead underage hooker and a butt-load (technical term) of crack.  So, here ya go….
And, just cause I know you’ll wonder.  Here’s the inside of my toolbox…

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