Sunday, March 13, 2011

Week in Review: March 7-14

Someone recently told me that having Crafty Night once-a-month makes it seem like a special holiday. And I couldn't agree more!!! I'm still buzzing from last Tuesday's crafty holiday!

And last week I also got to introduce my girls to cootie catchers. (Also called "fortune tellers".) American Girl Crafts (which I am TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH!!) has a kit that is so amazing for those just beginning to make cootie catchers. The folds are all pre-scored & there are 8 different designs in the kit, complete with stickers & "fortunes". Super fun!

The week ended with a night of bowling, complete with super nachos, grilled ham & cheese, cheesy fries, a super deluxe large root beer....but surprisingly: no heart burn.
Happy Monday!
 Click HERE for a photo play-by-play.

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