Monday, March 28, 2011

If You Wanna Sellout You Gotta Follow The Rules...

*Note: All links in all posts on this blog now open in a new window or tab. I learned how to edit the template so that this would happen without having to go in and ad the target=” _blank” for every single link I wanted to post RIGHT HERE.

So, my friend Gnetch, who has a really awesome and hilarious blog “Thank Goodness for the Good Ones” (I assume she's talking about me when she says “The Good Ones”) posted a screen grab of the rules for AdSense over on her Tumblr blog.

You know, rules always ruin everything. Obviously, I would never be approved to use AdSense because I violate almost all their rules. Especially the offensive language, violence and gambling rules. In fact, it pisses me off that they have those rules at all. Why? What's the point? Advertisers don't want to be associated with gambling or drinking or dirty pictures? Pussies.

Oh and, speaking of rules, I apparently have been breaking some unwritten rule about how we shouldn't be linking to our or other people's Tumblr blogs or talking about them or some crap like that. Oh well, the worst kinds of rules are the stupid “unwritten” rules.

So anyway, I saw Gnetch's post about AdSense as the same time that I was listening to Marc Maron's latest WFT Podcast. He was interviewing Joe Rogan and one of the the topics he was discussing was “selling out.” In fact, you could really hear the anger, bitterness and jealousy (mostly the jealousy) in Marc's voice as he was talking about Joe's alleged selling out by hosting “Fear Factor.”

The reason I connected those two things is because a lot of people consider putting ads on your blog to be selling out. They think you lose your integrity as a blogger, not to mention your street cred, when you sell ads. I agree that some people do. I think Avitable blogged about this recently too. I'm pretty sure he talked about people being able to stay true to who they are and not start blogging towards their advertisers and crap like that. I agree with him on that. But, ads don't bother me on blogs and I think that some people can put them on their blogs without changing who they are or what they blog about.

Oh BTW, you should totally check out Avitable's podcast CYR. You can listen live on Wednesdays at 8 pm central, or listen in the archives.

Anyway, if you can put ads on your blog, and not stop being true to yourself and suddenly become really bland and corporate, then go for it! The only thing I can't stand is when people do a blog post about a product or place or whatever that they're being paid for and they don't tell anyone it's an ad. That's deceptive and it's taking advantage of your readers and blog friends.

I know if I got the chance I'd be a sellout and I'd put ads on this blog. Obviously, I wouldn't be using AdSense since I violate most of their rules, but if someone else wanted to pay me for an ad, I would do it. Hell, I'd even accept ads from something or someone I hated.

Like say Mitt Romney wanted to put a “Mitt 4 President” ad on here and was willing to pay for it. Maybe enough for a decent night at a strip club. I'd do it. Then I would go ahead and trash him anyway. Hell, even if he emailed me and said he wanted to put a bigger ad, with maybe some flashing lights on my blog, and he he would pay me enough for a week on the Redneck Riviera down in Florida at a condo right on the beach, I'd be like “How much room do you need Mormon Boy?”

I don't think I'd lose any integrity or credibility by doing that. I would if I accepted an ad from him and started saying that I supported him though. We all know that I probably never support that guy for any office.

Not that any of this really matters because I don't get enough traffic here to actually be able to put ads on my blog anyway.

You know what? Just typing that about Romney made me really depressed. The 2012 election is right around the corner and it's gonna be the worst ever. GAWD, the thought of Obama v Romney/Huckabee/Palin/Gingrich absolutely makes me want to hurl. Is there ANY chance that it won't be the most horrible campaign ever? Is there any chance that our choices won't be the most depressing ever?

Just thinking about it makes me want to go William “D-Fens” Foster on Redneckville. Or go out and beat up a homeless guy. Or at the very least grabbing an underage hooker and running off to Vegas to play some blackjack and bet on sporting events.

Damn, another blog post that would be rejected by AdSense. Crap.

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