Sunday, March 13, 2011

Stumble Upon the NCAA Tournament and Wear Daisy Dukes...

First, if you would like to participate in Doc and my (mostly Doc's) NCAA Tournament Pick 'Em Challenge then go RIGHT HERE to sign up. It's free and fun for all! But, if you wanna play, you gotta hurry. The brackets are set and the first game is Noon on Thursday.

Of course, I love March Madness and the NCAA Tournament. What I love most about it is the stories over-zealous cops in crime and drug-ridden towns launching raids of private business whose employees are playing in a tournament pool for like $10 a person. It happens every year and every year and every year the chief of police or sheriff defends the raids by saying that what those people are doing is GAMBLING! And gambling is against the law and, even worse, IT'S A SIN!!

And, we'll also get the BS story about how much American businesses lose because their employees are too busy watching tournament games and participating in those evil pools and pick 'em games. God forbid anyone EVER have any fun at all.

University of Arkansas fired their men's basketball coach John Pelphrey. I don't know if Pel deserved to be fired or not. Probably did. His teams seemingly got worse each year and even though he had the #5 recruiting class in the country coming in next year, Pel just never seemed to completely fit in here. His teams also seemed to always be full of turmoil and there were constant suspensions for unspecified reasons that, from the outside looking in, always appeared to cause MORE dissension on the team.

But I gotta tell ya, if Arkansas fired Pel just so they could hire Billy Gillispie fresh off his total and complete washout at Kentucky and his DUI's and rumors of spending as much time chasing co-eds as coaching, then I'm not gonna be particularly happy. Or worse, Tim Floyd! If you hire Floyd then you might as well reserve a whole floor of rooms at a local hotel for the NCAA posse that follows him around.

Plus, those two guys are pretty much hated by the national sports media. Sure, they all hated Bobby Petrino too, but we all knew that Pentrino would work out fine and it wouldn't matter. Not so with Floyd or Gillispie. The UofA really can't overcome that kind of beating again.


In happier news, I joined Stumble Upon. I don't really know why, but if you have a Stumble Upon acct, feel free to add me RIGHT HERE. I guess I was bored and just up and decided to do it. So, the first sites I “stumbled” were my own blog posts and a couple of episodes of “I'm With Stupid” of course. Anyway, I went back a little later and check out the pic that BTR put next to our show that started out to be about Charlie Sheen and turned into a surprise birthday party for me..

Oh yeah baby! Michelle Malkin. You can feel her hotness emanating from the computer screen.

And finally, now that my car has the correct time again because most of us have set our clocks ahead an hour (and many have whined non-stop about it for a full day which I totally don't understand), it is clear that it is now Spring. I don't care what the official first day is, it's Spring. No more cold weather allowed.

And, it's time for this to come back again...

Ah yeah. The ole “Bikini Tops with Daisy Dukes” was THE hot fashion trend around Redneckville last summer and I fully expect it to continue this year. And I can't wait.

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