Saturday, May 29, 2010

Delores G. Kelley - MIA Since 2006

As you read earlier this week in my post about the lack of economic activity in Randallstown, one of the State Senators whose district includes Randallstown is Delores G. Kelley.

The 74 year old State Senator has a website. It is I like to receive newsletters and updates from various politicians as it gives me an inside eye into what they are doing. State Senator Kelley has no such feature on her website. But that's okay.

She does have a link to newsletters. Ah! This is good enough, right? Well, not quite. There's a link to the 2001 General Assembly session. And 2002. And 2003. And all the way up to 2005. And as we all know the world ended in 2005. Or so it appears that's what State Senator Kelley thinks.

There's another link to the bills that State Senator Kelley has sponsored. Okay. This should give me some more information on her. Except that it is a link to the 2006 session. Hey, at least it's sooner than 2005. But then again, this data is 4 years old. So perhaps the world ended 4 years ago, not 5 years ago.

There's an awards link. And this provides great information from 1995 all the way through (drum roll).....2006. Interestingly she won Legislator of the year several times from various organizations. Perhaps she hasn't won an award since 2006.

On the scholarships page - we have some current information! And by current I mean a year and a half old. It proudly states: Welcome to my scholarship page. (Updated, January 31, 2009) (my emphasis added).

So, State Senator Kelley, where are you? Do you remember that you have a website? Or are economic times so bad that you had to fire the person that updates the website? It appears that you've paid the same amount of attention to your website as you have the western portion of your district.

Voters in State Senate District 10 - it's time to vote for someone else!!!

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