Sunday, January 27, 2008

slow motion noise

i am a very picky person! i probably spent over twelve hours shopping for my junior prom dress this weekend. all of the dresses i tried on were cute... but ehh, i guess i didnt really find one that blew my mind. well, my junior-prom-dress-excavation started out on saturday afternoon, when my aunt picked me up and took me to arden to go search for dresses at macy's. yeah, i know! that's probably the worst place to go if you don't want a dress that you know five other girls will be wearing at the dance... but they did have some cute stuff. i went through bascially all of the stores at arden, but couldn't really find anything. so when we went back to forever21 for the second time, i stumbled upon the cutest little thing! luckily they had one small left! but unfortunately when i tried it on, it was too big for me! not to mention the fabric on the back was a little scratched up as well. i was kinda bummed because it was only $30, but i actually considered buying it anyways! however... i knew i was gonna go to midtown the next day (today) to go check out the cute little boutiques, so i decided not to get it and just wait to see what other dresses would pop up. besides.. other girls could've possibly bought that same dress for jp as well. but i dont know.. do girls usually go to f21 to buy jp dresses? (other than me, of course. lol.) anyways.. after going through atleast five stores today i decided that i wanted to go back and buy the white dress from f21. however this time, i wanted to check out the downtown plaza and see if they had it because i knew arden wouldn't have it. but unfortunately they didn't and i was reaaaally bummed. i kinda had all of my hopes set on that freaking dress for a while. ahhh. it wasn't online either so the lady at the desk said that they probably weren't going to get in anymore shipments : ... whatever though. hehe, because i came home and checked online again, except this time in the "blouse" section and eyyyyyy, i found it :) now i'm super excited, and i'm going to call up f21 tomorrow to see where they have it in stock. i know what you're thinking. why not just order it online? well, i would... but then they're out of smalls online! so hopefully the stores will get smalls shipped in, and i can just buy it and go get $5 alterations at this place by my aunts house :) yayyyy. if that doesnt work... then i'm just going to have to throw all of my hopes and dreams for that dress away and try to find something else-- maybe something even better.

but yeah, that was my weekend. i'm just glad that finals are over, and now everything has started over fresh for school. i got really bad grades this semester... it was a really bad semester. i guess you can say that i was just really distracted and was going through a lot of weird emotional stuff that kept me from focusing on school. i'm really hoping and pushing myself to do better this semester though. junior year is serious stuff though, and i can't let my stupid junioritis get in the way of my futuuuuuuuure. lol. my grades were so bad, i'm not even going to say what they were. i'm disappointed in myself, but i deserve it. i did baaad. really bad. all i can do now, is work hard this semester and make up for it. hopefully i can do that.

tommy really likes this band.

aaand, this is about all of the time i have to blog. or, this is all i have to blog about.

- pachia

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