Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010 Ain't Over Yet! ...

So, I'm loving the blizzard on the East Coast. Well, I guess it's easy for me to love it since I'm not there. But, I always love huge blizzards that leave massive cities paralyzed and cause complete mayhem, chaos and disorder like that.

But, what I really love is all the pictures and videos that people post on their blogs, tumblrs, facebook and twitter. Aaaand the videos I love the most are the ones of people who are completely and totally unprepared for any snowfall of any kind trying to get their cars out. Cracks me up every single time.

It's always basically the same thing. Some dude wearing a light jacket, knit cap, cloth gloves and sneakers trying to dig his wife's car out with a dustpan while she backs up, pulls forward and then backs up again about 10 times until she finally gets the car out.

Oh and the car had 20” of snow it and they've only cleared a small part of the front windshield on the driver's side and the middle of the rear window. Yeah, that's safe.

It always amazes me to see people who live in a place that gets LOTS of snow every winter who have no decent winter clothing and no snow removal equipment whatsoever. It's like every winter they look around and say “I can't believe it snows so much up here!”


So, in other news this may or may not be the last … Wait … This WILL be the last blog post of 2010. Unless I decide to post something on Friday.


Anyway, if I don't post anything on Friday, this will be my last blog post of 2010. And, very shortly after the first of the year when you wander by here you will notice some changes. Nothing too major though.

I had toyed with the idea of moving this blog to WordPress and making BIG changes. But, I've decided that if I'm not going to do my own domain, there is no reason to go through the effort of moving. So, I'm going to stay here and change the name and make a few other changes.

So, when you come back next week you will see those changes. If you're the type who notices those things anyway.

Also, a new feature that I'm going to add is that I will, from time to time, be doing audio posts. Little mini-podcasts or whatever. Don't worry, nothing too long. I don't want to waste your very important time or anything. Just trying to make things a little different and more interesting and fun for me if nothing else.

So that's what's up here.

And of course, let's not forget that Matt-Man and I have another brilliant and entertaining episode of “I'm With Stupid” coming your way on Thursday night at 11 pm EST! And we have someone here to help us promote the show....
I'm withStupid 2

Now THAT'S promotion!!

This week will be looking back a big on 2010 and not with much happiness either. We'll also do some New Year's resolutions and encourage you guys to call in with yours. Then we'll do some predictions for 2011 and look forward to what the new year might hold for us.

In addition to all that, we will have a live remote from the Baby Drop in Muncie, Indiana and Keith Olberman will have a Special Commentary concerning BTR's new rules.

All that and MORE this week on “I'm With Stupid!”

And, for your entertainment, here is the "interview" we did with Samuel L. Jackson a couple of weeks ago:

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