Thursday, November 20, 2008


It appears that President-elect Barack Obama is making his choices for his cabinet positions. As you remember, his entire campaign was guided by the promise of change, none of which he could describe or provide any details. My best guess is that it is a change because it's not George Bush. Now it appears that he's going to go back to the good-ole boy politics of the Clinton administration, rather than bipartisan cooperation.

The Secretary of State seems to be going to the wife of former Democratic Wonderslut President Bill Clinton. Oh, yeah, that Hillary chick that ran against Obama. Our first Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson, is now shitting in his grave down at Monticello.

Former liberal hard-liner from South Dakota, Tom Daschle, appears to be in line for the Secretary of Health and Human Services, a basically useless position, but perhaps perfect for a useless human being. If you recall, Tom Daschle was defeated in his bid for reelection in the Senate for being a total incompetent ass. Actually, he was quite competent at being an ass, but incompetent as being the Democratic leader. As it appears so far, Daschle will be the token white guy in the administration.

Janet Napolitano, the Democratic Governor of Arizona, is queued up for the Secretary of Homeland Security, replacing Michael Chertoff.

So, Obama's promise of bipartisanship seems to be going the way of the wagon wheel, meaning he has absolutely no intention of honoring that promise. I didn't expect him to. Every candidate says they will reach across the aisle and they never mean it. This is what helps politicians get hated. But they don't realize it. To them governing is a game, not a responsibility. You rarely hear a politician conceding to the other party. You're more likely to hear, "JENGA!!!"

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