Saturday, May 17, 2008

lets celebrate.

So I finally have a JOB!!! Yay for me. I am working at Red Berry. It is a new frozen yogurt place that just opened by my Safeway. It is really close to my house, like five minutes so it is sooo convenient. I am so happy I got accepted. Min also got a job. We both turned our apps the same day on Thursday. Then we both got a call on Friday after school to work today (saturday. She worked 12-5 and I worked 5-10. Actually I worked until 11 because it got busy and we didn't have much time for cleaning up. The job is pretty easy, except it gets tiring to stand all day and say the same things over and over to customers because it is self-serve. But I am pretty happy. And the owners are really nice. I hope I can keep my job on for a long time.

I plan to just deposit money to save for senior year and the future. I just need to save money for all the money we spend senior year. Senior portraits, yearbooks, senior activities, senior trips, senior shirts, ETC. But I also get to keep tips!!! So the tips will go to the OTHER funds which is pretty much CLOTHES CLOTHES and food. I just need to learn how to manage my money.

I work on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday next week. I saw some kids from school today and Mickie came to see me with her boyfriend. She is same as ever though seems like she got skinner? And I noticed how SMALL she is but maybe that is cuz her boyfriend is super tall and huge. But it was nice to see her face, after HOW MANY YEARS actually? And Maggie came to visit too. I am probably going to see lots of Sheldon kids now. The place is pretty nice for a high school hangout. But the owner told me he got over 50 applications so I am sure they will find the right employees soon.

I AM SO TIRED. going to bed.


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