Sunday, May 2, 2010

B'days and Celebrations :)

one of my favourite :)

celebrated tan-tan's 3rd bday yesterday.
tan-tan's bday marks the year that i've been attending City Harvest Church. still remember when i first attended, Esther was still pregnant with tan-tan, and gave birth to him shortly :)
cutie. super adorable and smart :)
Gladys the children church teacher,
darell & daniel the buff men ;)
jireh and his superman outfit.
hahaha daring man!
happy birthday tan-tan! :)

also celebrated mother's day with gramma the day before at Sri Nyonya, Equatorial, Malacca. sorry my pic sequence all wrong...very tired edi, gonna nap after this :P

little girls camho-ing. hahaha!
look at the tiny evangeline on the left =.=
oh man.....
family portrait. not full though..
cendol! very fine shaved ice :)
nothing beats the penang wan lor!
gramma and i.
she's cute, isnt she? :)

celebrated my mum's bday yday, on the same day as tan-tan too. hahah i know my pic sequence got problem :P
random man sleeping in front of pyramid.
evan excited about the steam arising from the hot soup :)
melody and i :)
my young, beautiful and sporting mum.
i can tell her ANYTHING :)
camho time!
look at her left leg. *shakes head*

worked as an usherette for a product launch today.
first time in a kebaya. my baby thinks kebaya is nice..that's why i chose it over baju kurung :)

baby this is for you :)

more pics to come from photographers with pro cams. haha! camera died of batt after just two photos :/

met so many familiar faces there! rhea, ann, quincy, and the rest through FB. the world is small.
too tired of standing.
my feet are distorted right now. high heels are soooo unhealthy!

gonna get a nap now.
supposed to start on my assgs but everytime i think abt it my heart stops, and i die.

just kidding :)
will do it soon...soon ;)


love, careen.

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