Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Dreadful Flying Glove presents ... Gig #8: 'The Night Is So Long'


"Polka Dots & Moonbeams", Wes Montgomery

"The Man", Patto

"David", Labradford

"April 14th pt 1", Gillian Welch

"Time To Kill", Neil Innes

"Ocean", the Velvet Underground

"West Palm Beach", Palace Music

"Spiralling Skeleton Memorial", James Blackshaw

"Broccoli", Coil

"Starless & Bible Black", Stan Tracey Quartet

"I'll See You In My Dreams", Django Reinhardt


p.s. Hey. I can't remember who or the precise quote, but someone at least somewhat famous once characterized making a mixtape for a friend as a way to tell that intended him or her I love you complicatedly by osmosis and after great deliberation, which is a terrible summation of what was in fact an interesting thought, sorry, but it seems to be the way that I've decided to introduce today's mixgig by the great d.l. The Dreadful Flying Glove. Please trigger its sequence between now and tomorrow and formulate a respective comment, thank you. And as for you Glove, right back at you, buddy. ** Kiddiepunk, It's where the Phantom of the Opera is. And thank you. And talk to you shortly. ** Joel Sagiv, Hey, Joel. Wow, you mean that weird voice/ thing/ sound in the short mp3? If so, yeah, spooky. I like the finished song a lot, by the way. Nice. Is there a place to hear more by you? By sheer and funny coincidence, if you like the 'paranormal', check out tomorrow's blog post. No, I didn't know of Yuri Norstein's 'The Overcoat' until I used that link. It's beautiful. What's the story? Everyone, courtesy of new guy Joel Sagiv, use this link and watch this eerie/ beautiful tiny clip from some film kind of thing called 'The Overcoat' by Yuri Norstein. It won't take but a couple of seconds, and you'll be glad. Thanks a lot on all fronts, man. ** Schoolboyerrors, Inked again? What now? Or is it a polish of the first tat? Pompidou thing could be very cool. You should come over for it. Late February. I so want to read your piece on 'Mon Oncle'. It couldn't be more custom built for my interests. So, do not forget to link us up to it and to the interview as well. Both sound amazing! All due respect, sir. ** Empty Frame, Hi, Frame! You good or gooder than that? I'll find out about that Kiefer village. I hate Kiefer's work, but that village thing sounds pretty cool and like a must-see if possible. Hope you're happily browner this morning. ** L@rstonovich, Man, if you even see this, I hope NJ works its ass off to please you. Oh, Paterson, as in WC Williams, interesting. ** David Ehrenstein, Thank you, D. Kiddiepunk and Oscar were the wizards of its Oz. ** Bollo, Well, yeah, you should come for the big Pompidou fest. Sucks that it occurs when Paris will be at its coldest and least user friendly. Limerick show pix please, yes. Solo show, I mean, yeah, duh, it's about time. ** Creative Massacre, Hey! Welcome back! Awesome to see you! I've heard of MAZE. That name stuck in my head unsurprisingly. Really glad you had such a great time in NYC, and that you get to go back soon. But that return flight(s) of yours, ouch. Glad that's over. ** Steevee, Hey. Yeah, sure, of course. There's the same if not even worse problem with book/literature critics. In that case, I suspect most reviewers just end up skimming or or speed reading the books. The reviews sure read that way. It's interesting or strange or something that you don't see the evidence of that problem so much in music reviews, or I don't see it nearly as much. I think music gets a much fairer and more thoughtful shake these days than films or books do in general. I don't know if that's to do with the immediacy of music or what. ** The Dreadful Flying Glove, Ah, the man himself. Thank you, great if dreadful hand covering! I'll be attending your gig along with the rest of the gang today in order to feel all cozy with you and with my other pals here. I used to get that food fantasizing thing when I would go severe vegan once a year. Chocolate cakes were setting up castles in my stomach and making a moat of my mouth. Yeah, get those projects kicked up today. Me, I'm going to take some time off and watch/listen to your lovely interruptor. Luckily, I was very productive yesterday, so I'm going in guilt free. ** Schlix, Thanks, Uli. Wow, that video. Weird that, at least in English, the title seems to be 'Old Nobody'. And that Blumfeld guy's eyes are so far apart that it made me feel a little queazy. Everyone, watch yesterday's blog star Helmut Berger do his thing in this 1999 German music video thanks to the alerting and kindness of d.l. Schlix. Thanks bunches, man! ** Postitbreakup, Loved it, yes! Well, you know me, I love all the extenuating stuff that drifts far around Laura's death as much as I do the main story. I just tried to think of an uncompelling person named Cooper and I couldn't, weird. Nor can I think of an uncompelling person named Dalton either. ** Mark Gluth, I'll let you know. It does sound really good and, no matter what, it would take so little to be the best Mexican place in Paris given that nachos at Hard Rock Cafe are practically the only competition. ** Sypha, Yeah, I won a couple of literary prizes at the college I attended sort of briefly, and that was a real factor for me too. Well, if you only sent them the final version of 'Grimoire' 6 weeks ago, I would imagine it'll be a little while yet, unless they're a rare press that can turn things around fast. I hope it's soon, obviously. ** Ken Baumann, Ken!!! Thanks, pal. Oh, the earlier novel, yeah, I think I remember you mentioning that one. It's cool when you get far enough past something which didn't seem to be right that you can see the potential in it more ... objectively, I guess? I love when that happens. So much easier than starting with a blank page. Awesome! My new novel? Oh, it's so far from being a new novel. Actually, kind of like you, I've gone back to one of my earlier, failed attempts to write 'the cannibal novel', and I'm removing the cannibal stuff and fooling around with it, or with the voice/style and etc., as I think there may be something there after all, but who knows. But, yeah, I'm still in the way early phase of trying to reinvent my voice and working with content that isn't the content that I want to explore in whatever my next thing will be. Guinea pig subject matter or something. Oh, I can tell you the C/M story, sure. At the moment, it's looking like late July before I'll be able get home to LA next, ugh. ** Chris Cochrane, Yikes, uh, well, I think I can do it, but you should try to do your best on the text before you send it, I guess, because the next two weeks are hellishly busy for me. But, yeah, I think so. Send it. ** Brendan, Oh, because Yury was watching Twin Peaks while I was trying to sleep, and I couldn't stop listening and daydreaming and ... viola. Also, I think I might be getting sick, actually, so it could have been to do what that. Oh, and while I will write to you, I will say, just to be safe, that you-know-what will appear here on Tuesday, the 14th. Whoopie! 144 pp. counts as short, yeah, even in my book. That's a doer. Those Druids sound like they were really something. But, oh man, I bet they had super bad B.O. ** Inthemostpeculiarway, Oh, maybe you would know this. What is 'The Hunger Trilogy'? I read this morning that 'THT' is being developed into a film series in the hopes of it being the new Harry Potter-type franchise. And they referred to 'The Hunger Trilogy' really casually like everyone would obviously know what that is. But I don't. Wow, that flickering thing between the carpet protrusion and hearing your friend's smoking story was amazing. Especially so. That was awesome. That flickering is hard to pull off, man, it really is. I try all the time. Kudos. That allergic-to-smoke girl was annoying, but I only have a sane and reasonable amount of tolerance for people who get all neurotic about other people smoking within their eyesight. It would be nice to go to Hong Kong. If you went, I mean, but me too. But there's the plane ticket cost not to mention the jet lag, which I don't even want to think about. I like 'Let's Scare Jessica ... ' too. That's a fun thing. My day: I was almost always home, but I was pretty productive at least. I got all these links and info together about the artists I would like to curate at that possible Pompidou show -- seven LA sculptors -- and sent it to the Pompidou boss, and I guess he'll decide if they're good enough to be shown in his institution or not. I also finished the text for the Gisele book, and I sent it to her, and since we're going to be rehearsing all afternoon today, I guess I'll probably find out if it's okay with her or not in a few hours. I wrote emails that I should have written for days. I had a coffee with K&O who are newly back from their wedding preparations-style trip to Italy. That was nice. I complained to the Recollets boss about the internet, which has reverted into its old, horrible almost unusable state in the last week, and she tracked down three people who are staying here and hogging the signal, and she asked them to please stop doing that, so we'll see if that helps. My friend Joel called, and we talked for a while. My nephew Cody called, and we talked for a long time. He was hoping to come visit me this summer, but he has decided to save up money and come next summer, which makes sense. I started feeling like maybe I'm getting sick, and today I'm a little more worried that I am, but we'll see. Yury came home, and he's continuing to feel better, which is great, and he watched a few episodes of one of the Criminal Minds or whatever it's called TV series offshoots dubbed into French, which I think he watched because one of the stars, whose name is something like Matthew Gruber (?) used to be a fairly big fashion model, and he was interested by that for some reason, and I kind of half-watched the shows and did internet stuff then got sleepy and crashed. Thus, my Wednesday ended, and now we're into our respective Thursdays, and how was yours? ** Alan, Hey. Glad you liked the Dlugos post. Yeah, I think I'm going to be ready for my second 'ToL' viewing in the next week or so. ** Misanthrope, I don't have a mother complex, I don't think. Do you? Gee, that golf ball thing is so tempting to use, NOT! I used to know a guy who, yes, had to wear diapers because of his interest in being extremely fisted frequently, so it's true in at least one case. When do you go to NYC, man? ** Finis. Now, let TDFG's gig swell up and take you over, please. That's all I ask. I'll do the same, and I'll do other stuff too before seeing you tomorrow.

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