Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday (63)

Northanger Alibi by Jenni James

This modern Gothic remake of Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey, and nod to Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series, will leave you in stitches.
Seattle, Washington and the Russo family are no match for Claire Hart and her savvy knowledge of all things vampire related. Thanks to her obsession with the Twilight series--if there is anyone who would know a vampire when she saw one, it's Claire. And she's positive totally hot Tony Russo is a vampire, she just has to prove it!
Follow Claire's hilarious journey on her first summer adventure away from home, where she learns everything isn't what it seems, and in some instances, reality is way better than anything she'd ever find in a book.

I'm usually wary of remakes of classics, but this one kept sticking with me, mostly because Northanger Abbey (which I haven't read yet, but will definitely get around to) is a great one for a hilarious modern remaking, since it itself is a satire on the late-eighteenth-century gothic novel, and because Twilight and the Twi-hard phenomenon are also another great fodder for satirization. I hope this one will live up to its potential!

Northanger Alibi will be released in hardcover by Valor Publishing on June 1, 2010.

Sound interesting to you? What are YOU waiting for this Wednesday?

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