Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Liiiitle Update

I've been neglecting Blogger.. sorry for no updates. I haven't even scanned anything recently... I've been working on trying to draw animals and men in the same style I've been doing girls in. I truly hate this drawing that I'm uploading now. I did it for my friend's contest on deviantart (Cloudhead Project character by http://www.wieldthekey.deviantart.com), they're her characters... that's why they look so... freaky...
I'm going to really try to NOT draw like this anymore and develop more of a style for males and animals so they can aaaall fit together yay

I can't decide right now if I want to make a website (www.emilyhann.com isn't taken yet!) or just make a new blog for my portfolio/demo only. I learned HTML when I was 13 (caveman days) but I know little to no CSS (as you can tell from my deviantart journal layout hurrr) and I haven't done any web publishing in a few years so... I don't know. I want to make a really cool website with a trendy layout and Flash elements, but in less than an hour. My dad just made a website so maybe I'll get his help.

Anyway just wanted you guys to see my new blog layout because I got some complaints that the old one was ugly/terrible/bad etc (cough)

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