Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bookish Alert! Bookish Alert!

Books for Kids

So listen to what these amazing bloggers, Britney and Farrah, are doing. They know the power of books to make a difference in children's lives, and so they've put together a charity to help out the Phoenix Children Hospital and the Scottish Rite hospital in Dallas, Texas. It's INCREDIBLY easy to help out. Just watch the video, in which Farrah explains their wonderful idea, and for each "like" that the video receives (note: you must have a Youtube account to "like" the video, and you can only "like" the video on the Youtube site itself, not by watching it below), Farrah, Britney, and some wonderfully generous YA authors will donate $1 to buy new books for the children at these hospitals.

They do have a limit as to how much money they are able to donate, which is $405 (they're not made of money, after all!), and they're soooo close to reaching it, that it would be splendid if you could watch the video and "like" it. OR, it would be even more splendid if you chose to contribute to this charity and raise the number of "likes." Contact either Britney or Farrah here. Thank you so much for doing this really easy thing to get books into the hands of children!

Shelterbox in Japan

Few YA authors have as much influence as Maureen Johnson, and lately she's done it again by putting together another Shelterbox drive to raise help out the people whose lives were changed forever by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. And look at the wonderful prizes that people have donated, and that you could possibly win if you donate to Shelterbox. Donate through the link in Maureen's blog post, and be sure to follow the directions for how to donate. This is a really wonderful cause and would mean a lot if you could donate whatever amount you can spare.

Inside a Dog

Now, one of my favorite bookpeople, Adele, formerly goddess of Persnickety Snark and now superwoman at the Centre for Youth Literature at the State Library of Victoria, wanted to let y'all know about the relaunch of the site she's captain of, Inside a Dog (which takes its name from Groucho Marx's awesome quote). It's sort of like a Goodreads for YA lit, featuring multimedia book reviews, forum boards, author visits, and free stuff. Plus it has an insanely hip site design that should win prizes, IMO. Check it out, especially if, not not only if, you're in Australia. It would be wonderful if we could all help Adele get as much traffic on her new baby as possible!
Philly Area Blogger Meetup

So the other night I met up with Jamie of The Perpetual Page-Turner and Jess Lawlor and we got to talking about how we really wanted to organize a blogger/author meetup and possible book swap for everyone in the Philly area. If you're in the vicinity of Philly and this sounds like something you'd like to participate in, let us know by reading Jamie's post and then filling out the form expressing your interest. And it would also really help if you could talk this up to bookish people you know in the Philly area who might be interested in this. Thank you so much!!

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